Vitamīni, piedevas

Vitamīni, piedevas

Tiek attēloti 20 produkti.

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Kaņepju pulveris, 100 g +-...

€2,49 Cena

DESCRIPTION: One of the under-appreciated benefits of hemp, at least in the US, is as a food source. Hemp powder also known as "hemp hearts", are rich in healthy fats, protein, and minerals. Hemp powder are usually consumed after the hard outer shell is removed, leaving just the soft, creamy "heart" behind. The powder have a slight nutty flavour, making them incredibly versatile for use in cooking, baking, or for adding to smoothies and salads. Some of their primary health benefits include: Excellent Source of Nutrition, Heart Health, Skin He

Topinambūru pulveris, 100 g...

€4,99 Cena

Jerusalem artichokes contain plenty of inulin, a type of prebiotic fiber that has been credited with a number of health benefits due to its medicinal properties. Many of these health effects can be attributed to the ability of inulin to stimulate the growth of bifidobacteria. Naturally present in the large intestine, bifidobacteria fight harmful bacteria in the intestines, prevent constipation, and give the immune system a boost. Furthermore, evidence indicates that bifidobacteria help reduce intestinal concentrations of certain carcinogenic enzymes. 1 teaspoon of JERUSALEM ARTICHOKES powder = 1 fresh Jerusalem artichoke. HOW TO USE: Use powder 1 teaspoon in a glass of water in the morning before a meal.

Upeņu pulveris, 100 g +- 4...

€5,99 Cena

Improve your health with this potent nutraceutical. The term ‘nutraceutical’ refers to a food that has medicinal benefits. Blackcurrants have been rumoured to have these qualities for centuries. Healers used them for conditions such as arthritis, liver disease, kidney stones, gout, inflammation of the mouth, stomach and bowel disorders, lung ailments, fatigue, and as a diuretic. Our ancestors were clearly on to something – the health benefits of blackcurrants are now being confirmed by solid scientific evidence. 1 teaspoon of BLACK CURRANT powder = 100 g. fresh black currant. HOW TO USE: Perfect for soups, casseroles, salads, baked goods, smoothies, juices, natural yogurt. You can also enjoy full of vitamins and excellent aroma tea.

Omega-3 Vegan aļģu eļļa ar...

€29,95 Cena

Omega-3 Vegan satur tīru jūras aļģu eļļu. Eļļu iegūst no mikroaļģēm Schizochytrium sp. Tās ir mikroskopiskas aļģes, kas barojas tikai ar organiskām un augu vielām, piemēram, mirušām lapām. Mikroaļģēs Schizochytrium sp. īpaši bagāta ar Omega-3 DHA un EPR (EPA) jūras taukskābēm. Tādējādi tas ir lieliski piemērots Omega-3 vegānu eļļas pagatavošanai.

"Omega-3 Vegan" ir 100% vegāns, bez zivīm un citām dzīvnieku izcelsmes vielām. To ražo atsevišķi no citiem NORSAN Omega-3 produktiem. Arī izmantotā D vitamīna izcelsme ir vegāniska. Tāpēc Omega-3 Vegan ir ideāli piemērots tiem, kas nevēlas vai nevar lietot dzīvnieku izcelsmes produktus, bet cenšas iegūt pietiekamu daudzumu jūras Omega-3 DHA (DHA) un EPR (EPA) taukskā

Omega-3 Vegan kapsulas, 80...

€29,95 Cena

Omega-3 Vegan satur tīru jūras aļģu eļļu. Eļļu iegūst no mikroaļģēm Schizochytrium sp. Tās ir mikroskopiskas aļģes, kas barojas tikai ar organiskām un augu vielām, piemēram, mirušām lapām. Mikroaļģēs Schizochytrium sp. īpaši bagāta ar Omega-3 DHA un EPR (EPA) jūras taukskābēm. Tādējādi tas ir lieliski piemērots Omega-3 vegānu eļļas pagatavošanai.

"Omega-3 Vegan" ir 100% vegāns, bez zivīm un citām dzīvnieku izcelsmes vielām. To ražo atsevišķi no citiem NORSAN Omega-3 produktiem. Arī izmantotā D vitamīna izcelsme ir vegāniska. Tāpēc Omega-3 Vegan ir ideāli piemērots tiem, kas nevēlas vai nevar lietot dzīvnieku izcelsmes produktus, bet cenšas iegūt pietiekamu daudzumu jūras Omega-3 DHA (DHA) un EPR (EPA) taukskā