Vitamiinid, toidulisandid

Vitamiinid, toidulisandid

Kokku on 31 toodet.

Kuvatakse 1–12 toodet (kokku 31)

Aktiivsed filtrid

Amarandijahu, 100 g +- 4...

2,99 € Hind

Some of the most unique health benefits of amaranth include its ability to stimulate growth and repair, reduce inflammation, prevent certain chronic diseases, boost bone strength, lower blood pressure, improve the immune system, reduce the appearance of varicose veins, maintain healthy hair, and ease weight loss efforts. HOW TO USE: Provide health promoting qualities of each dish. Perfect for soups, casseroles, salads, baked goods, smoothies, juices, natural yogurt.

Kanepiproteiin, 100 g +- 4...

2,49 € Hind

DESCRIPTION: One of the under-appreciated benefits of hemp, at least in the US, is as a food source. Hemp powder also known as "hemp hearts", are rich in healthy fats, protein, and minerals. Hemp powder are usually consumed after the hard outer shell is removed, leaving just the soft, creamy "heart" behind. The powder have a slight nutty flavour, making them incredibly versatile for use in cooking, baking, or for adding to smoothies and salads. Some of their primary health benefits include: Excellent Source of Nutrition, Heart Health, Skin He

Mustsõstrajahu, 100 g +- 4...

5,99 € Hind

Improve your health with this potent nutraceutical. The term ‘nutraceutical’ refers to a food that has medicinal benefits. Blackcurrants have been rumoured to have these qualities for centuries. Healers used them for conditions such as arthritis, liver disease, kidney stones, gout, inflammation of the mouth, stomach and bowel disorders, lung ailments, fatigue, and as a diuretic. Our ancestors were clearly on to something – the health benefits of blackcurrants are now being confirmed by solid scientific evidence. 1 teaspoon of BLACK CURRANT powder = 100 g. fresh black currant. HOW TO USE: Perfect for soups, casseroles, salads, baked goods, smoothies, juices, natural yogurt. You can also enjoy full of vitamins and excellent aroma tea.

Omega-3 Vegan...

29,95 € Hind

Omega-3 Vegan sisaldab puhast merevetikaõli. Õli ekstraheeritakse mikrovetikatest Schizochytrium sp. See on mikroskoopiline vetikas, mis toitub ainult orgaanilisest ja taimsest ainest, näiteks surnud lehtedest. Mikrovetikates Schizochytrium sp. eriti rikas Omega-3 DHA ja EPR (EPA) mererasvhapete poolest. Seega sobib see suurepäraselt Omega-3 veganõli valmistamiseks.

"Omega-3 Vegan" on 100% vegan, ilma kala ja muude loomse päritoluga aineteta. Seda toodetakse teistest NORSAN Omega-3 toodetest eraldi. Ka kasutatud D-vitamiini päritolu on vegan. Seetõttu on Omega-3 Vegan ideaalne neile, kes ei soovi või ei saa tarbida loomseid saadusi, kuid seavad eesmärgiks saada piisavas koguses merelisi Omega-3 DHA (DHA) ja EPR (EPA) rasvhappeid.